Why is it that we ignore the small discomforts in our bodies and don't respond until we're in full blown pain or have lost the function or ability to do something?
As we age, many shrug off small messages coming from our bodies as simply aging. However, what if we started paying attention to those subtleties?
A mindful part of aging would be to respond and be in the moment with curiosity about the discomfort that we're experiencing.
Consider an example if we are experiencing chronic shoulder pain and it turns out that pain is our dominant hand that we all hold our cell phone or our mobile device with. That particular position is chronically causing repetitive strain on those muscles.
Potential solution -put the mobile device in another hand when the discomfort or the tiredness in the arm is experienced; take a stretch or even put the device down for awhile to allow for rest.
Respond instead of delaying and waiting for full blown pain and loss of function and the need to react!