
What have you chosen to believe about yourself?

Beliefs are stronger than willpower. Take a moment and consider what you believe about yourself.

Do you believe in a growth or fixed mindset? The implications may explain a lot- especially when looking to change a habit. Learning is necessary to change a habit.

Growth Mindset = Possibility!

-Believes in Development Over Time

-Readily Embraces Challenges

-Has a High Regard for Practice

-Views Obstacles as Only Temporary

-Is Inspired by Others

-Willingly Accepts Feedback

Fixed Mindset = Stuck!

-Believes in Innate Intelligence / Talent

-Resists Challenges

-Disregards the Need For Practice

-Views Obstacles as Permanent

-Views Others Success as a Threat

-Struggles to Accept Feedback

As you age, what will be most important to you?

Bring healthy mobility and less pain into your life. The smallest of adjustments NOT MAJOR CHANGES yield the greatest results. Although it seems so difficult to take the time and have the discipline to do it on our own and sometimes seems so painful to even consider.

Is the ability to move around, free of chronic pain and movement restrictions important to you?

I focus on supporting my clients to move mindfully and create mobility where stiff achiness generally resides. This can be addressed through any or all my offerings. I am happy to discuss which approach may be BEST for YOU.

Mindful Movement is available in person or remotely 5 times a week -offering you an opportunity to be guided through a serious of movements which will enhance your mobility and minimized the impact of most arthritis associated with aging and stiffness associate with minimal activity.

Healthy Habits is a 6 week program allowing you an opportunity to explore how your current choices (food, beverage, movement, self-care) affect your health including weight and inflammation = which is typically experience PAIN and stiffness.

Tailored to You is personal health coaching; schedule your introductory complimentary 20 Minute session today.

Massage Therapy is available by appointment.

Healthy Self - Heal Thy Self

When you start taking care of yourself, you feel better, you see yourself better, you become healthier.

Choose to LIVE better, Not to simply EXIST.

As we age, the more personal responsibility we are able to take; the greater the results. Truly making the retirement years GOLDEN.

Do you know why you make the choices you do? How READY are you to change? Could the key to sustainable change start with you spending time observing and learning about yourself and your preferences? Taking time to really gain an understanding of how you got to where you are today, then moving toward a clearer picture of where you’d like to be.

What are you drawn to?

What is Mindfulness to You?

Understanding 3 Aspects of Mindfulness

  • Intention – what you want to get from practicing mindfulness.

  • Attention – focus on your internal and external world.

  • Attitude – curious, reflective and accepting.

Quiet gentle approach to coaching the mind to reset and focus…

It’s natural for the mind to be constantly working; organizing, solving and restructuring information about people, places and things.

Without some “self-parenting” the mind and its thoughts can spin and spin until it hits a wall… and is forced to stop.

Being mindful - is a quiet gentle approach to coach the mind to settle into the here and now moment.  

Why do we continue to OVEREAT?

If you consider the body needs essential nutrients; and you are consuming lots of empty calories… your body is still starving for those nutrients.

There is also the opportunity for leptin resistance. If your finger touches a hot stove, you want your fingertip and brain to recognize that it is hot, immediately causing you to pull your finger away.  With Leptin Resistance, it is like your fingertip is stuck on that stove and burning the skin off; you just keep overeating because your body is resistant to Leptin, the hormone that tells you to stop eating because you are full.

Gherlin is the hormone released to tell our bodies we are hungry and need fuel/nutrients.  When you start to eat, your fat cells release Leptin, which then tells your brain our nutrient levels have been met; and we should stop eating.  

What is leptin resistance?

Re-Steady Your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Here, now, within your space -Mindfulness

A routine morning walk, and a new perspective emerges.

The power of being in the moment and focusing on the here and now. 

I had quite the reality check with this recently. To provide you a little bit of background -a few months ago I started walking regularly in the morning in these chilly temperatures. I take the time to bundle up warmly and venture out to take a 20-minute walk on the icy road.

The walk itself has been therapeutic and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it with the exception of the cold temperature. 

Recently on a much warmer day I started out for my regular walk and glanced up at the end of the road - suddenly I stopped. It looked like such a far distance to walk -it was overwhelming, and I paused for a moment and contemplated turning around and going back home. 

However, I chose to stay and be curious. I thought I’ve been taking this walk for months now it’s simply 20 minutes 10 minutes down the road and 10 minutes back.   Why was this morning so different?

I realized that because of the chilly temperatures and iciness; I was previously focusing on where my feet were and huddling up inside my layers of clothing. as a result I was focusing just on 20 to 30 feet in front of me. I was simply enjoying nature and being lost in my thoughts- and then before I knew it the walk was over and I was back home.

This morning the weather was so much nicer my footing was more grounded I looked at the end of the road and it was daunting.

Lesson learned – there is so much value when we focus on the here and now and enjoy what we’re going through.. and stop stressing over what is ahead.

We can appreciate what we can focus on, touch and change. Taking those mindful small steps will get us exactly where we need to go. We will surely set ourselves up for repeated cycles of failure if we look too far down the road for too long – as it simply seems too overwhelming.

Autumn is known as the season of change - What does that mean to you?

One the most beautiful things about this time of year is the magnificent colors of the leaves on the various trees. The resulting falling of those leaves is just as beautiful.

Did you know that leaves falling is not about loss- it is about growth. When a tree sheds its leaves, the nutrients of the tree are withdrawing into the branches, the trunk and the roots. All in preparation for sustaining the Winter months and producing new growth in the Spring.

Does that provide you a different perspective on change?

Don’t fear change; change is growth -fear not changing.

What is your opinon of change?

Can you sense it?

Into the garden / woods / nature we go… To break loose from our minds and find our SOULS.

When was the last time you tapped into the healing power of nature? Its free for the taking. In one form or another it is available everywhere. Trees, clouds, birds, water, rabbits, squirrels, flowers, shrubs… the list is endless. Take a look (sniff) for yourself!

Nature can be the simplest path to peace while recharging one’s energy .

  • A study showed that when participants were exposed to nature scenes; their brains linked with empathy and love.

  • Researchers suggested that a nature view helps individuals tolerate pain.

Want more time in the day?

Are you caught up in the endless cycle of simply existing and mindlessly rolling through the urgent events in life?

Longing for an opportunity to experience and enjoy the important things?

You can have that. Its a thought process- that leads to an awareness and an opportunity for change. Taking the time to observe what you are busy with and charting out the cost and benefit.

Health Coaching is an opportunity to work this this with guidance.

Are you ready to take charge and focus on what is Important vs what is URGENT?

Focusing on What Really Matters - Vision Board Results

This Vision Board Workshop group included 4 seasoned Grandmas, 1 new Grandma, 1 new Mom, a Mom who also created a board with her a 2 year old daughter the morning after! So much FUN and what a simple yet powerful experience in focusing on what really matters in life!

While having an opportunity to take the time to make some connections to what was and is truly important; several strangers in the group made connections - supporting the value of community and how none of us are alone on this journey.

If you look closely… there is a Self-care theme on all of the boards. Stay tuned for future workshop offerings to move to… Making Healthy a Habit, One Choice at a Time!

I was motivated by your holding this group workshop - it gave me an opportunity to give a lot of thought as to where I want to go in the next couple of years…you provided form and venue to my thoughts and made it happen for me; Thank You. Your enthusiasm is inspiring. I am grateful to have been apart of tonight’s group and to have been your client these past years.
— Robin

Health is a relationship you have with yourself



Heal -Thy -Self

The approach you take when caring for others should be the same approach when caring for yourself. When we are taking care of others- generally it is a result of a relationship we have with them as a friend, a spouse, a parent or a child.

Are you being as supportive of your health’s needs as you could be? Are you protecting your health from harm? Are you nourishing your health? Are you showing your health love and kindness? Are you listening to your health? Are you treating your health with respect?

Does your Health deserve better?

Do you take care of others?

-when it is convenient?

-or when they need it?

Is the same true - for when you take care of you?

What is Mindful Movement Really?

As a licensed massage therapist specializing in chronic pain for almost 20 years I felt there was a need to bring a form of yoga to many of my clients. Massage therapy is beneficial for many, especially those dealing with chronic pain.  However, what I’m able to offer as a massage therapist in a session, is short term.

… retain / regain movement function typically lost with aging and chronic pain.

I’ve been suggesting yoga to my clients who are typically between the ages of 40 and 75, equally male and female.  Most of them are dealing with some form of chronic pain including frozen shoulder, scoliosis, neuropathy, disc herniations, migraines and joint replacements to name a few. 

The response from my clients when I’ve suggested trying yoga has been… “there’s no way I can do yoga, I’m not flexible, my body doesn’t move like that”.

 I decided to focus on developing a type of “Mindful Movement” program that was inspired by some basic yoga poses.  The intent is to assist my clients on improving the quality of their lives by sharing ways to move daily to manage some of their chronic pain when they’re not in a massage session with me.

  • Participants are diverse in age, gender and abilities.  Use of the chairs has been an important aspect for some, especially as we have been focusing on balance and stability. 

  • Each session begins slowly with mindful breath work. 

  • We then moved into a series of movements to warm up joints and various muscle groups to increase movement and flexibility. 

  • A flow of a standing yoga poses, with chair modifications for those in need is where we pull our movements together. 

  • Sessions end with additional breath work and a short meditation.   The overall focus is on being mindful of posture, movements and intention of activity, emphasizing how beneficial even gentle movement can be daily.

What people are saying:

-my shoulder pain is 75% better immediately after class and continuing on.  

-thank you for the session this morning, it lifted me physically and my spirits.

-this is exactly the movement I was looking for, not too little, not too intense.

-as you know I have always been resistant to going to yoga classes for many reasons. however, you have made your class such a safe place to practice yoga regardless of ability.

Pace yourself

When we move too quickly or jump from one step to the next, we risk stumbling, falling and becoming stuck. We then have the natural tendency to become frustrated, overwhelmed and may stop moving forward all together.

In the same manner if we move too quickly through making healthy choices, there is little opportunity for those choices to become healthy habits.

A series of small steps will take you where you want to go; each of them provide the balance and support to take the next step.

Healthy Self - Heal Thy Self

When you start taking care of yourself, you start feeling better, you start seeing yourself better and you start getting healthier.

You are choosing to live better, and choosing not to simply exist.

As we age, the more personal responsibility we are able to take; the greater the results and the more truly golden are the retirement years.

Do you know why you make the choices you do? How READY are you to change? Could the key to sustainable change start with you spending time observing and learning about yourself and your preferences? Taking time to really gain an understanding of how you got to where you are today, then moving toward a clearer picture of where you’d like to be.

What are you drawn to?

Opioid Alternative - Chronic Pain Management Update for NYS

As a wellness professional for almost 20 years, I have specialized in supporting my clients in managing chronic pain through Therapeutic Massage, Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Yoga inspired Mindful Movement sessions.

What are your food triggers?

Some are harmless. Some are mild annoyances. Some are a bit overwhelming. Many are habitual. Some are food based. Some are based on certain places or people. Some are rooted in certain activities or situations. Some can be addressed by changing a current choice for a healthier one.

We all have them. Can you identify yours?

Wine with Pasta

Pizza with Wings

Dessert with Coffee

Beer with Pretzels

Chips with Dip

Our attitudes reflect in our health and well-being

We all need reminders, nudges or words of motivation to focus on what we have, what we have gained and what is truly important.

A serving of empathy and humility will guide each of us through process… and improve the health and wellness of our mind, body and spirt.

  • Healthy - take sometime to think about it

  • Healthier -take sometime to write it down

  • Amazingly Healthy for you and another - take the time to demonstrate to another

Studies have shown that shifting our focus toward gratitude can have long lasting health benefits as we age.

How do YOU demonstrate GRATITUDE ?

Definition: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

How do YOU demonstrate EMPATHY ?

Definition : the ability to understand and share the feelings of another; to be with and understand others' emotions. To hold space for another unconditionally.

How do YOU demonstrate HUMILITY ?

Definition : the ability to be confident in your decisions, and not need or desire others to pay attention to them. To do what needs to be done without explanation or fear of judgement.

Re-steady your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   The most practiced yoga teacher cannot hold a tree balance pose constantly. Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.