wellness from within

Are You Open to Another Perspective - Beyond Your Own?

After years of trying various approaches. Observing all the social influencers swear that theirs is the only approach for you. Where are you? Any further along on your journey to wellness and healthy sustained weight-loss? Or are you exactly where you started… or maybe a little heavier or a bit unhealthier?

There is a reason - quick fixes are simply that a quick fix. Behavioral change is where your behaviors change, and different choices are made.

Health Coaching is becoming increasingly valuable as people begin to realize they haven’t been able to achieve something on their own, and recognize that the perspective of someone who can see beyond the situation they continue to find themselves in.

Poor quick fix lifestyle choices are responsible for continued weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and overall illness.   Health Coaching is a collaborative partnership; with YOU the client being able to tap into YOUR inner strength and external resources to achieve health and wellness you deserve.   

Have you been able to achieve the results you want on your own?

Approach to Sustainable Change

Being healthy and managing your weight can be like the seasons we experience each year, requiring us to regularly make changes to adapt.

A productive approach to sustainable change…consider the positive habits you already have concerning a healthy lifestyle and amplify those behaviors.

Change that is motivated by fear, guilt, regret or a desire to fix a perceived weakness often leads to negative a self-defeating cycle in which we try and fail and keep being reminded of what is not working.

Focus and build on the positives, leave the negatives behind.

Healthy Self - Heal Thy Self

When you start taking care of yourself, you feel better, you see yourself better, you become healthier.

Choose to LIVE better, Not to simply EXIST.

As we age, the more personal responsibility we are able to take; the greater the results. Truly making the retirement years GOLDEN.

Do you know why you make the choices you do? How READY are you to change? Could the key to sustainable change start with you spending time observing and learning about yourself and your preferences? Taking time to really gain an understanding of how you got to where you are today, then moving toward a clearer picture of where you’d like to be.

What are you drawn to?

Do I really need to take vitamins?

You may be healthy, active and regularly making all the right food choices yet still fall short. Vitamins can bridge the gap.

The reason one vitamin can promote so much benefit in the body, is because the deficiency of one vitamin can negatively effect so many bodily functions.

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help strengthen and rebuild our bones, support the bodies recovery from injury, and are a critical component of our immune system. They also play a strategic role in converting our food into energy.

Understanding the Benefits of taking vitamins is based on 3 factors

  • Quality of Product

  • Consistency of Use

  • Your Body's Ability to Absorb

Why does aging seem to be so painful?

Ever wonder why somedays you feel very stiff and achy yet can’t recall having done anything physically to cause it?  Then experience those days that all seems to feel pretty good. You may have more control over managing this than you think.

Let’s talk about inflammation.

When something enters the body, and it is not recognized as something it needs like an essential nutrient- your immune system kicks in and attacks.  Your body will work to protect itself from foreign matter and will push it out or encompass, destroy and or try to eliminate. For example; when you get a sliver in your finger your body will respond and create inflammation (redness and swelling) around the spot.  Inflammation is a healthy immune response, however when repeated over and over it becomes Chronic Inflammation... which then is no longer a healthy response but a full attack on one's body. 

An unfortunate common systemic form of inflammation can arise from what you eat and drink.  Today many items we consume are loaded with ingredients (additives and preservatives) that are not recognized by the body as a nutrient.  Chances are if you look at a label and can’t pronounce or recognize an ingredient – your body won’t either! As a result, the body will attack it as foreign matter.  This may causes a systemic (full body) inflammatory response which can be experienced through stiff achy joints and overall swelling and bloat.

Each of our bodies are like chemistry beakers. Everything we consume has an impact on our unique chemistry balance. The effect of what we consume can be positive or negative.  When negative, your body is smarter than you and will attack the unrecognized matter (like a silver in your finger), causing an inflammatory response.  Everyone’s body is unique in how this takes place.  Most common areas it can be observed in rashes and irritations on skin, bloating and digestion discomfort, acid reflux, stiff achy joints, and respiratory/sinus issues like runny nose and congestion.

Working with Rebecca you’ll discuss your current pain; together you can determine how to approach managing a portion of that through your lifestyle choices.  Rebecca is here to create a supportive environment while together you explore what really works for you.

Aging doesn’t have to be painful -

You may be experiencing inflammation as a response to something you consumed.

Re-Steady Your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Can you sense it?

Into the garden / woods / nature we go… To break loose from our minds and find our SOULS.

When was the last time you tapped into the healing power of nature? Its free for the taking. In one form or another it is available everywhere. Trees, clouds, birds, water, rabbits, squirrels, flowers, shrubs… the list is endless. Take a look (sniff) for yourself!

Nature can be the simplest path to peace while recharging one’s energy .

  • A study showed that when participants were exposed to nature scenes; their brains linked with empathy and love.

  • Researchers suggested that a nature view helps individuals tolerate pain.

Are You Open to Another Perspective - Beyond Your Own?

After years of trying various approaches. Observing all the social influencers swear that theirs is the only approach for you. Where are you? Any further along on your journey to wellness and healthy sustained weight-loss? Or are you exactly where you started… or maybe a little heavier or a bit unhealthier?

There is a reason - quick fixes are simply that a quick fix. Behavioral change is where your behaviors change, and different choices are made.

Health Coaching is becoming increasingly valuable as people begin to realize they haven’t been able to achieve something on their own, and recognize that the perspective of someone who can see beyond the situation they continue to find themselves in.

Poor quick fix lifestyle choices are responsible for continued weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and overall illness.   Health Coaching is a collaborative partnership; with YOU the client being able to tap into YOUR inner strength and external resources to achieve health and wellness you deserve.   

Have you been able to achieve the results you want on your own?

Health is a relationship you have with yourself



Heal -Thy -Self

The approach you take when caring for others should be the same approach when caring for yourself. When we are taking care of others- generally it is a result of a relationship we have with them as a friend, a spouse, a parent or a child.

Are you being as supportive of your health’s needs as you could be? Are you protecting your health from harm? Are you nourishing your health? Are you showing your health love and kindness? Are you listening to your health? Are you treating your health with respect?

Does your Health deserve better?

Do you take care of others?

-when it is convenient?

-or when they need it?

Is the same true - for when you take care of you?

Life Does Not Have A Remote

Do you KNOW you need to make some changes to be healthier?

Do you WANT to make some healthy changes?

Are you READY to make some changes to be healthier?

Simply KNOWING and WANTING to make change is unfortunately not enough. More importantly -You must be READY!

Do you know why you make the choices you do? How READY are you to change? Could the key to sustainable change start with you spending time observing and learning about yourself and your preferences? Taking time to really gain an understanding of how you got to where you are today, then moving toward a clearer picture of where you’d like to be.

Life does not have a remote.

Are you READY to get up and make a change and choose a healthy path yourself?

Do you need to "Adjust" the volume?

As a Health Coach, Mindfulness Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist; I coach my clients to be aware and “Tune In” as our bodies “Talk’ to us our entire lives… through pain, stomach discomfort/digestive issues, skin irritations/rashes, muscle restriction, joint stiffness, chronic sinus issues, sleeplessness etc.

This may require small or large changes in how you care for your personal health and wellness.

The body is designed through functional movement and chemistry to work synergistically. When there is an imbalance -anywhere is the system… your body will let you know. Sometimes its necessary to take a Pause … Tune in… Listen… Adjust.

What is Mindful Movement Really?

As a licensed massage therapist specializing in chronic pain for almost 20 years I felt there was a need to bring a form of yoga to many of my clients. Massage therapy is beneficial for many, especially those dealing with chronic pain.  However, what I’m able to offer as a massage therapist in a session, is short term.

… retain / regain movement function typically lost with aging and chronic pain.

I’ve been suggesting yoga to my clients who are typically between the ages of 40 and 75, equally male and female.  Most of them are dealing with some form of chronic pain including frozen shoulder, scoliosis, neuropathy, disc herniations, migraines and joint replacements to name a few. 

The response from my clients when I’ve suggested trying yoga has been… “there’s no way I can do yoga, I’m not flexible, my body doesn’t move like that”.

 I decided to focus on developing a type of “Mindful Movement” program that was inspired by some basic yoga poses.  The intent is to assist my clients on improving the quality of their lives by sharing ways to move daily to manage some of their chronic pain when they’re not in a massage session with me.

  • Participants are diverse in age, gender and abilities.  Use of the chairs has been an important aspect for some, especially as we have been focusing on balance and stability. 

  • Each session begins slowly with mindful breath work. 

  • We then moved into a series of movements to warm up joints and various muscle groups to increase movement and flexibility. 

  • A flow of a standing yoga poses, with chair modifications for those in need is where we pull our movements together. 

  • Sessions end with additional breath work and a short meditation.   The overall focus is on being mindful of posture, movements and intention of activity, emphasizing how beneficial even gentle movement can be daily.

What people are saying:

-my shoulder pain is 75% better immediately after class and continuing on.  

-thank you for the session this morning, it lifted me physically and my spirits.

-this is exactly the movement I was looking for, not too little, not too intense.

-as you know I have always been resistant to going to yoga classes for many reasons. however, you have made your class such a safe place to practice yoga regardless of ability.

Healthy Self - Heal Thy Self

When you start taking care of yourself, you start feeling better, you start seeing yourself better and you start getting healthier.

You are choosing to live better, and choosing not to simply exist.

As we age, the more personal responsibility we are able to take; the greater the results and the more truly golden are the retirement years.

Do you know why you make the choices you do? How READY are you to change? Could the key to sustainable change start with you spending time observing and learning about yourself and your preferences? Taking time to really gain an understanding of how you got to where you are today, then moving toward a clearer picture of where you’d like to be.

What are you drawn to?

Consider why you stopped...

You’ve had success in the past. Things were going well. You were feeling good had more energy and less brain fog. You were sleeping through the night and waking ready for the day. You lost a few inches and pounds. You were more active and simply healthier than today.

What happened? What healthy choices did you stop making?

  • Did you start saying YES to everyone and everything - and NO to yourself?

  • Did you stop planning your meals before going for groceries?

  • Did you start skipping meals?

  • Did you start snacking more on convenience foods?

  • Did you change the amount of water you were drinking?

  • Did you stop taking supplements that were filling the gaps in your nutrition?

  • Did you get caught up in social media and begin spending less time moving?

  • Did you let your self-care routine slip away?

Being healthy is about having a kind, supportive, caring and nurturing relationship with yourself.

You made your relationship with yourself a priority in the past. You can do it again. You may not need to be searching for something new… return to the routine and choices that worked before.

What direction should you go?

Mediterranean? Keto? Vegan? Vegetarian? Intermittent fasting? Low-Glycemic?

These are just a few and there are so many more “diet approaches” to choose from! How do you know which to try or is right for you? Before going down one path or another; consider these questions honestly. Changing eating habits is hard enough -Don’t set yourself up for self sabotage and failure by not planning and making a solid decision on which path to take.

  • What is you goal or objective? Losing weight? Getting healthy?

  • Does it fit into your current lifestyle? Meals made at home? Food ordered in? Dinning out?

  • Is it flexible? Or is it ridged and based on extreme restrictions?

  • Is it sustainable? Is it for a lifetime of habits? Or a quick fix?

  • What is the financial cost involved? Is that sustainable?

  • Do you have regular access to the food?

  • How much time is necessary for preparation? Are there time saving options?

  • What is your motivation for choosing one over another?

  • Is it based on counting, measuring or recording consumption?

Your success will be based on the results of an honest assessment of these questions. No matter which approach you decided these items should definitely be part of your path:

  • Sustainable

  • Balanced food groups

  • Flexible - because life happens!

  • Based on non-processed food choices

  • Mostly real food choices -not made in a Factory

  • Proper hydration

  • Cost Effective

  • Well supplemented to cover the gaps in nutrients

  • An approach that is coupled with physical activity and restorative sleep.

Who’s path are you on?

Re-steady your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   The most practiced yoga teacher cannot hold a tree balance pose constantly. Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Approach to Sustainable Change

A productive approach to sustainable change…consider the positive habits you already have concerning a healthy lifestyle and amplify those behaviors.

Change that is motivated by fear, guilt, regret or a desire to fix a perceived weakness often leads to negative a self-defeating cycle in which we try and fail and keep being reminded of what is not working.

Focus and build on the positives, leave the negatives behind.

Everyone Feels Anxiety at Some Point

Manage anxiety with mindfulness.

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment and being fully there. You can practice this while sitting still, or it may be easier to start with guided breathing or a yoga or meditation session. With practice, mindfulness can help you redirect or quiet the anxiety.

Curious on how to begin simply? Start by closing your eyes, now observe your breath by focusing on an inhale and then an exhale, repeat. Become aware of the areas of your body that move by your breath. You have just been mindful and fully in the moment.

It takes practice, there is no perfect, no judgment.

Mindful Movement -Anxiety and Mild Depression

Anxiety and mild depression tend to interrupt the ability to focus…

The delivery of Mindful Movement provides an opportunity to gently realign the thought process and promote awareness of quieting the mind, simply listening, and moving.

Mindful Movement facilitated by Rebecca Albert, LMT INHC RYT200 of Body Be Well Solutions is a yoga-inspired program designed for those interested in a physical experience to maximize movement and increase body awareness. We work through various movements and focus on mindful breath to improve balance, focus, strength, and mobility.