body chemistry

Pain Management

Pain is experienced differently for everyone, therefore, managing it is personal. Offerings such as massage therapy, yoga, mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle programs can help you manage and relieve pain, recover from injury, recondition impaired muscle function, and regain your overall quality of health.

Pain is experienced differently by everyone-

Therefor managing it is personal.

Why do we continue to OVEREAT?

If you consider the body needs essential nutrients; and you are consuming lots of empty calories… your body is still starving for those nutrients.

There is also the opportunity for leptin resistance. If your finger touches a hot stove, you want your fingertip and brain to recognize that it is hot, immediately causing you to pull your finger away.  With Leptin Resistance, it is like your fingertip is stuck on that stove and burning the skin off; you just keep overeating because your body is resistant to Leptin, the hormone that tells you to stop eating because you are full.

Gherlin is the hormone released to tell our bodies we are hungry and need fuel/nutrients.  When you start to eat, your fat cells release Leptin, which then tells your brain our nutrient levels have been met; and we should stop eating.  

What is leptin resistance?

Why does aging seem to be so painful?

Ever wonder why somedays you feel very stiff and achy yet can’t recall having done anything physically to cause it?  Then experience those days that all seems to feel pretty good. You may have more control over managing this than you think.

Let’s talk about inflammation.

When something enters the body, and it is not recognized as something it needs like an essential nutrient- your immune system kicks in and attacks.  Your body will work to protect itself from foreign matter and will push it out or encompass, destroy and or try to eliminate. For example; when you get a sliver in your finger your body will respond and create inflammation (redness and swelling) around the spot.  Inflammation is a healthy immune response, however when repeated over and over it becomes Chronic Inflammation... which then is no longer a healthy response but a full attack on one's body. 

An unfortunate common systemic form of inflammation can arise from what you eat and drink.  Today many items we consume are loaded with ingredients (additives and preservatives) that are not recognized by the body as a nutrient.  Chances are if you look at a label and can’t pronounce or recognize an ingredient – your body won’t either! As a result, the body will attack it as foreign matter.  This may causes a systemic (full body) inflammatory response which can be experienced through stiff achy joints and overall swelling and bloat.

Each of our bodies are like chemistry beakers. Everything we consume has an impact on our unique chemistry balance. The effect of what we consume can be positive or negative.  When negative, your body is smarter than you and will attack the unrecognized matter (like a silver in your finger), causing an inflammatory response.  Everyone’s body is unique in how this takes place.  Most common areas it can be observed in rashes and irritations on skin, bloating and digestion discomfort, acid reflux, stiff achy joints, and respiratory/sinus issues like runny nose and congestion.

Working with Rebecca you’ll discuss your current pain; together you can determine how to approach managing a portion of that through your lifestyle choices.  Rebecca is here to create a supportive environment while together you explore what really works for you.

Aging doesn’t have to be painful -

You may be experiencing inflammation as a response to something you consumed.

Re-Steady Your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Health is a relationship you have with yourself



Heal -Thy -Self

The approach you take when caring for others should be the same approach when caring for yourself. When we are taking care of others- generally it is a result of a relationship we have with them as a friend, a spouse, a parent or a child.

Are you being as supportive of your health’s needs as you could be? Are you protecting your health from harm? Are you nourishing your health? Are you showing your health love and kindness? Are you listening to your health? Are you treating your health with respect?

Does your Health deserve better?

Do you take care of others?

-when it is convenient?

-or when they need it?

Is the same true - for when you take care of you?

Do you need to "Adjust" the volume?

As a Health Coach, Mindfulness Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist; I coach my clients to be aware and “Tune In” as our bodies “Talk’ to us our entire lives… through pain, stomach discomfort/digestive issues, skin irritations/rashes, muscle restriction, joint stiffness, chronic sinus issues, sleeplessness etc.

This may require small or large changes in how you care for your personal health and wellness.

The body is designed through functional movement and chemistry to work synergistically. When there is an imbalance -anywhere is the system… your body will let you know. Sometimes its necessary to take a Pause … Tune in… Listen… Adjust.

What are your food triggers?

Some are harmless. Some are mild annoyances. Some are a bit overwhelming. Many are habitual. Some are food based. Some are based on certain places or people. Some are rooted in certain activities or situations. Some can be addressed by changing a current choice for a healthier one.

We all have them. Can you identify yours?

Wine with Pasta

Pizza with Wings

Dessert with Coffee

Beer with Pretzels

Chips with Dip

Re-steady your Balance

Being healthy is about Balance.   The most practiced yoga teacher cannot hold a tree balance pose constantly. Somedays are easier than others. Its about making small adjustments to "re-steady" our Balance. The more practiced you are at re-steadying yourself -the more habitual it will be.  

Small adjustments help us re-steady and find balance.

Do you know your chemistry?

Understanding how our bodies respond to what we put into them; making minor changes can significantly alter our energy levels and overall health.

Do you know the impact of what you are consuming through food or drink?

Each of our bodies is like a chemistry beaker, everything we put in causes some sort of a reaction.. some good, some not so good and some really awful.

Doubtful of that? Consider:

  • children at a birthday party after the cake and ice cream

  • the impact of alcohol after 1, 2, 3 or maybe 4 drinks

  • how drinking coffee when you are tired can energize you

Jump Start Your Wellness Routine

Do you take any vitamins? Are you absorbing them? There is a difference. A big expensive difference.

If you think you are saving cash by buying your vitamins a local grocery, pharmacy or wholesale club store like BJs or Sam’s club- you actually are not. The price maybe right, although what you are buying and consuming could be very minimal and difficult for your body to digest and absorb.

nutraMetrix is different and offers Isotonic Delivery . Specially formulated for optimum quality and absorption.

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  • Anymore who has already made a purchase through us, although has not in awhile

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An Ongoing Natural Process

Your body makes new cells from what you eat. During sleep, your body works to repair muscle, organs, and other cells. Additionally, chemicals are produced through the metabolism of the nutrients you consume that strengthen your immune system and are in full force of circulation through your system during your sleep.

You are what you eat and your body rebuilds while you’re asleep.

No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore itself. The first step in to stop interfering with nature. -Deepak Chopra