We all need reminders, nudges or words of motivation to focus on what we have, what we have gained and what is truly important.
A serving of empathy and humility will guide each of us through process… and improve the health and wellness of our mind, body and spirt.
Healthy - take sometime to think about it
Healthier -take sometime to write it down
Amazingly Healthy for you and another - take the time to demonstrate to another
Studies have shown that shifting our focus toward gratitude can have long lasting health benefits as we age.
How do YOU demonstrate GRATITUDE ?
Definition: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
How do YOU demonstrate EMPATHY ?
Definition : the ability to understand and share the feelings of another; to be with and understand others' emotions. To hold space for another unconditionally.
How do YOU demonstrate HUMILITY ?
Definition : the ability to be confident in your decisions, and not need or desire others to pay attention to them. To do what needs to be done without explanation or fear of judgement.