Restorative sleep is a critical aspect of your physical and mental health. Your body does many amazing things to keep you healthy while you’re asleep. Immunity is bolstered, muscles are repaired, hormones are rebalanced, and new cells through out your body are created- these are just some of workings taking place while you rest.
Everyone occasionally has troubling falling asleep, staying asleep and maybe not feeling rested when you wake up or feel tired during the day.
Here is a listing of items which could assist you during those occasional sleepless times.
The scent of lavender
A sound machine with ocean waves, or gentle rain
An eye mask to block out any unintended light
Cooler room temperature
A warm shower or bath
A weighted blanket, comfortable clean bedding
Sleeping in a bed, with an appropriate mattress and pillow(s)
Magnesium and Calcium -both induce calming responses in body chemistry
Mindful Breath work… focusing on an inhale through the nose, and a longer slower exhale through the mouth, repeat as the heartrate begins to slow
Nothing is more healing than sleep.
If sleeplessness becomes a chronic issue, consulting with your primary care provider is suggested.