weight management

What are your food triggers?

Some are harmless. Some are mild annoyances. Some are a bit overwhelming. Many are habitual. Some are food based. Some are based on certain places or people. Some are rooted in certain activities or situations. Some can be addressed by changing a current choice for a healthier one.

We all have them. Can you identify yours?

Wine with Pasta

Pizza with Wings

Dessert with Coffee

Beer with Pretzels

Chips with Dip

Approach to Sustainable Change

A productive approach to sustainable change…consider the positive habits you already have concerning a healthy lifestyle and amplify those behaviors.

Change that is motivated by fear, guilt, regret or a desire to fix a perceived weakness often leads to negative a self-defeating cycle in which we try and fail and keep being reminded of what is not working.

Focus and build on the positives, leave the negatives behind.

Mindful Movement -Anxiety and Mild Depression

Anxiety and mild depression tend to interrupt the ability to focus…

The delivery of Mindful Movement provides an opportunity to gently realign the thought process and promote awareness of quieting the mind, simply listening, and moving.

Mindful Movement facilitated by Rebecca Albert, LMT INHC RYT200 of Body Be Well Solutions is a yoga-inspired program designed for those interested in a physical experience to maximize movement and increase body awareness. We work through various movements and focus on mindful breath to improve balance, focus, strength, and mobility.

Does aging always equate to having pain? Your Choices & Mindfulness

Why is it that we ignore the small discomforts in our bodies and don't respond until we're in full blown pain or have lost the function or ability to do something?

As we age, many shrug off small messages coming from our bodies as simply aging. However, what if we started paying attention to those subtleties?

A mindful part of aging would be to respond and be in the moment with curiosity about the discomfort that we're experiencing.

Consider an example if we are experiencing chronic shoulder pain and it turns out that pain is our dominant hand that we all hold our cell phone or our mobile device with. That particular position is chronically causing repetitive strain on those muscles.

Potential solution -put the mobile device in another hand when the discomfort or the tiredness in the arm is experienced; take a stretch or even put the device down for awhile to allow for rest.

Respond instead of delaying and waiting for full blown pain and loss of function and the need to react!

Hello! I'm Rebecca.

What support can I offer you?

I am a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach- I have studied 100s of different dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods. I recognize and appreciate, one size does not fit all when it comes to making healthy choices. I practice a “whole person” approach to healthy habits by embracing your current preferences and guiding you through change for alternatives.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist - I am familiar with the aging body and the chronic pain associated with it, I understand the limitations this causes in physical activity.

I am a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher -I don’t teach headstands or other intense yoga poses, I teach moving mindfully and create mobility where stiff achiness generally resides.

I am a Wellness Consultant -I am aware of the impact that too much or not enough of certain things cause imbalance in our bodies and ultimately our health.

I have been a successful participant with losing and managing weight-loss -I have personally experienced the Mind over Matter struggles with changing habits.

I am familiar with depression, anxiety and their associated mood and health effects -I understand that everyone is unique and requires a different type of support.

I am familiar with Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Eldercare -I am intimately aware of the challenges life brings at times, and am able to provide approaches to managing self care.

I am a wife, mom, stepmom, gramme, daughter, caregiver, friend, introvert, excellent listener with the ability to ask thoughtful questions and provide empathy, feedback and make connections between choices, habits and identifying the impacts on one’s health.

I am on this journey as are each of you…life with it twists, turns and …. well all the things.

Support restorative sleep

Restorative sleep is a critical aspect of your physical and mental health. Your body does many amazing things to keep you healthy while you’re asleep. Immunity is bolstered, muscles are repaired, hormones are rebalanced, and new cells through out your body are created- these are just some of workings taking place while you rest.

Everyone occasionally has troubling falling asleep, staying asleep and maybe not feeling rested when you wake up or feel tired during the day.

Here is a listing of items which could assist you during those occasional sleepless times.

  • The scent of lavender

  • A sound machine with ocean waves, or gentle rain

  • An eye mask to block out any unintended light

  • Cooler room temperature

  • A warm shower or bath

  • A weighted blanket, comfortable clean bedding

  • Sleeping in a bed, with an appropriate mattress and pillow(s)

  • Magnesium and Calcium -both induce calming responses in body chemistry

  • Mindful Breath work… focusing on an inhale through the nose, and a longer slower exhale through the mouth, repeat as the heartrate begins to slow

Nothing is more healing than sleep.

If sleeplessness becomes a chronic issue, consulting with your primary care provider is suggested.

Nourish? or Simply Eating?

Understanding how our bodies respond to what we put in them, and even making minor changes can significantly alter our energy levels.

Learn more about your choices and their impact.

Healthy is Inside Out

If you get the inside right, the outside will fall in place. Focus on making healthy choices for yourself and you will experience the bonus of feeling and looking healthy as well.

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, with one serving providing 184% of your daily value plus:
Vitamin C -Calcium -Iron -Biotin -Vitamin K1 -Potassium -Vitamin B6 -Lutein

You are what you eat… it shows in how you move and look.

Do I really need to take vitamins?

You may be healthy, active and regularly making all the right food choices yet still fall short. Vitamins can bridge the gap.

The reason one vitamin can promote so much benefit in the body, is because the deficiency of one vitamin can negatively effect so many bodily functions.

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help strengthen and rebuild our bones, support the bodies recovery from injury, and are a critical component of our immune system. They also play a strategic role in converting our food into energy.

Understanding the Benefits of taking vitamins is based on 3 factors

  • Quality of Product

  • Consistency of Use

  • Your Body's Ability to Absorb


Fountain of youthfulness - Your Choices

How we age is a choice; with gratitude or misery.

  • Have gratitude and laugh frequently -they’re both contagious and fountains of youth

  • A body in motion, stays in motion -take a walk, try yoga, just move

  • You are what you eat -eat your veggies, drink your water, nourish your body…don’t just feed it

  • Use it or lose it -have a purpose and stay connected, get out there… you’ve got good stuff to share

Can't find a "DIEt" that works for you?

HEALth -

  • Food as Fuel

  • Nourishment & Satisfaction

  • Mindful Self-care

  • Sustainable

  • Wellness from Within

  • Being the Best Version of Yourself

Your Choices - Your Habits - Your Wellness

DIEt -

  • Food as Enemy

  • Deprivation

  • Quick Fix

  • Short-term

  • Numbers and a Scale

  • One Size Fits All

Ready to focus on Your Health and HEAL?

Prepping Weekly Food

How long can it be safely kept in the fridge?

Always consider storing in glass containers, like mason jars… freshness is enhanced.

  • 2-3 days : cooked poultry or seafood, chopped salad

  • 4-5 days : boiled eggs, cooked oatmeal or legumes

  • 5-7 days : cooked rice, sweet potatoes or pasta

Daily Walking Positive Impacts

Make it a habit - pick a scheduled time of day (morning, afternoon evening) and a set amount of time (starting with 10, 15 or 20 minutes) and GO!

Your health and overall wellness will benefit in a variety of areas.

  • stimulates digestion

  • improves brain clarity

  • promotes development of regular sleep habits

  • bolsters creativity and problem solving ability

  • conditions full body muscles and strengthens bones

  • increases endorphins and benefits daily mood

  • lowers blood pressure

  • decreases stress and anxiety

  • enhances mindfulness and a connection to nature

  • supports a healthy metabolism

Do you know your chemistry?

Understanding how our bodies respond to what we put into them; making minor changes can significantly alter our energy levels and overall health.

Do you know the impact of what you are consuming through food or drink?

Each of our bodies is like a chemistry beaker, everything we put in causes some sort of a reaction.. some good, some not so good and some really awful.

Doubtful of that? Consider:

  • children at a birthday party after the cake and ice cream

  • the impact of alcohol after 1, 2, 3 or maybe 4 drinks

  • how drinking coffee when you are tired can energize you

Your diet is not just what you eat

Are you treating yours with respect?

Health is a relationship you have with your body. A powerful and interesting way to look at it. Your diet is everything you expose yourself to.

It is what you listen to, what you read, what you watch, the people you hang around, the entertainment you engage in, your hobbies, etc…

Are you being as supportive of its needs as you could be? Are you protecting it from harm? Are you nourishing it? Are you showing it love?

What does Isotonic Delivery Mean?

Do you take vitamins? Do you absorb them? There is a difference….

The nutraMetrix isotonic delivery system is different, and important to understand with so many people today having compromised digestive systems. An isotonic solution (liquid) delivery means that the body has less work to do in obtaining maximum absorption. This allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Minimal nutritive value lost, making the absorption of vitamin highly efficient while delivering maximum results. While getting the most product for your dollar… not unnecessary and unknown fillers.

Jump Start Your Wellness Routine

Do you take any vitamins? Are you absorbing them? There is a difference. A big expensive difference.

If you think you are saving cash by buying your vitamins a local grocery, pharmacy or wholesale club store like BJs or Sam’s club- you actually are not. The price maybe right, although what you are buying and consuming could be very minimal and difficult for your body to digest and absorb.

nutraMetrix is different and offers Isotonic Delivery . Specially formulated for optimum quality and absorption.

Save on any purchase of nutraMetrix or TLS / Transitions Lifestyle Systems products

This special savings can be taken advantage of by:

  • Anymore who has already made a purchase through us, although has not in awhile

  • Anyone who is currently purchasing regularly

  • Anyone who is curious about trying our products

  • Anyone looking to get a jump on savings on bolstering their immunity

This is a one-time coupon, valid for one-time use per EXISTING or NEW CUSTOMER!!

Hello! I'm Rebecca.

What support can I offer you?

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist - I am familiar with the aging body and the chronic pain associated with it, I understand the limitations this causes in physical activity.

I am a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher -I don’t teach headstands or other intense yoga poses, I teach moving mindfully and create mobility where stiff achiness generally resides.

I am a Wellness Consultant -I aware of the impact that too much or not enough of certain things cause imbalance in our bodies and ultimately our health.

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach- I have studied 100s of different dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods. I recognize and appreciate, one size does not fit all when it comes to making healthy choices. I practice a “whole person” approach to healthy habits by embracing your current preferences and guiding you through alternatives.

I have been a successful participant with losing and managing weight-loss -I have personally experienced the Mind over Matter struggles with changing habits.

I am familiar with depression, anxiety and their associated mood and health effects -I understand that everyone is unique and requires a different type of support.

I am familiar with Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Eldercare -I am intimately aware of the challenges life brings at times, and am able to provide approaches to managing self care.

I am a wife, mom, stepmom, gramme, daughter, caregiver, friend, introvert, excellent listener with the ability to ask thoughtful questions and provide empathy, feedback and make connections between choices, habits and identifying the impacts on one’s health.

It is your journey

There is always time to change the path you are on.

Maybe a conversation, with a Health Coach familiar with numerous diet approaches could assist you. Perhaps a Massage Therapist who has specialized in helping clients manage chronic pain for over 15years would have a suggestion or two on how to address some of your concerns of aging and the accompanying daily aches. Could a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher potentially guide you through some mindfulness, gentle movement activities to safely become more active and in better physical shape all while restoring some balance to your life?

What are you waiting for? Yesterday you said tomorrow… lets get started, the choice is yours.

Healthy Self - Heal Thy Self

When you start taking care of yourself, you start getting healthier, you start feeling better, you start seeing yourself better, you start attracting better.

What are you drawn to?