What direction should you go?

Keto? Vegan? Vegetarian? Intermittent fasting?

These are just a few and there are so many more to choose from! How do you know which to try or is right for you? Before going down one path or another; consider these questions honestly. Changing eating habits is hard enough -Don’t set yourself up for self sabotage and failure by not planning and making a solid decision on which path to take.

  • What is you goal or objective? Losing weight? Getting healthy?

  • Does it fit into your current lifestyle? Meals made at home? Food ordered in? Dinning out?

  • Is it flexible? Or is it ridged and based on extreme restrictions?

  • Is it sustainable? Is it for a lifetime of habits? Or a quick fix?

  • What is the financial cost involved? Is that sustainable?

  • Do you have regular access to the food?

  • How much time is necessary for preparation? Are there time saving options?

  • What is your motivation for choosing one over another?

  • Is it based on counting, measuring or recording consumption?

Your success will be based on the results of an honest assessment of these questions. No matter which approach you decided these items should definitely be part of your path:

  • Sustainable

  • Balanced

  • Flexible

  • Based on non-processed food choices

  • Real food choices -not made in a Factory

  • Proper hydration

  • Cost Effective

  • Well supplemented to cover the gaps in nutrients

Who’s path are you on?

A start to making healthier choices

Some basic and simple guidelines to get started are:

Focus when shopping and reading labels on factors of 5

  • 5 Grams of FIBER or more

  • 5 Grams or PROTEIN or more

  • 5 Grams of SUGAR or less

Focus on portion sizes as the size of your hand

  • Your Fist is a serving of VEGETABLES (try for 2x)

  • Your Palm is a serving size of lean PROTEIN

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Isn't it simply Chemistry?

Understanding how your body responds to what you put in it, and making even minor changes can significantly alter your Health. Simple Chemistry? Each of our bodies are like chemistry beakers. Every item we consume causes a shift in the chemistry. Some shifts are good, some not so good. Although what may cause significant negative impacts to your body, may not effect another person the same way.

Some people have issues in digesting and processing dairy, although they may not all respond the same way or to the same degree. Dairy can cause digestive issues in one person, excess mucus and sinus issues in another and then cause skin issues such as acne in still another.

We all have the same “basic chemistry”. So how to do really begin to understand the impact of what you are consuming? You can start now. It cost nothing. It can be done without any medical testing in the privacy of your own home. Are you willing to try it?


Every single thing you put into your body...

Are you familiar with the term Comfort Food? Of course you are. We all have our personal favorites.. some salty, some sweet and some savory. Generally we crave these items when we are in need of “comfort”… from something being out of balance with our Primary Foods. Its normal. Its ok -in moderation. Which is the key to why we started with an awareness of the Health of your Primary Foods.

Secondary Foods are your everyday food and beverage choices. Obviously they are a component of the foundation of your health. But why?

Essential nutrients. These are nutrients that your body requires for energy and to carry out basic functions. These are not produced by your body; so you must consume them in some manner.

Regarding the Comfort Food -Ever notice how easy it is to eat and eat and not seem to satisfy the hunger? Generally Comfort Foods are significantly lacking in nutrients and will not satisfy your body’s need for essential nutrients.

The more you know -the Healthier Your Choices.


Everything except what you consume...

Primary foods are a culmination of your relationships, hobbies, career, beliefs -pretty much all aspects of what makes you you, beyond food. Why are they primary? Consider the “health” and the impact on you regarding the following:

Relationships -companionship, love, trust, acceptance, respect

Finances -lack of debt, ability to pay bills, consistency of income, credit rating, freedom

Career-enjoy, fulfilling, well compensated, engaging, manageable schedule

Physical Activity -interesting, affordable, accessible, healthy, regular

Home - safe, comfortable, organized, sense of belonging, nurturing

There are many more to areas to consider, but this was a start. If there is a significant imbalance in a Primary Food… it can negatively affect your health. Spending time to go through the process of examining your personal Primary Foods will allow you to make necessary adjustments to further support you in making Healthier Choices into Healthier Habits.


How do you look at yourself?

Becoming aware of your behavioral preferences as noted over the last 4 postings, creates a framework for your success. Your health is more than the food you put in your body. Your health is a culmination of your relationships, hobbies, career, beliefs and much more.

Your over all Health and Well-being can be a reflection of the BALANCE you have in these varying preferred behaviors and your respect of them in yourself and those around you.

Reminder, there is no right or wrong in this. This is a shift in Mindset… simply an awareness of how the pieces of your puzzle fit together. Each preferred approach Extroversion or Introversion, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling and Perceiving or Judging… has the potential to reveal your personal strengths -although when out of balance can be your greatest casualty.

*Learn more about the “Basics” at Meyers & Briggs Foundation.

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Have a Plan or Have Options?

What is your approach to how you spend your time? To do list? Or go with the flow? Maybe a little of both depending on the situation? How you “live” your outer life--what are the behaviors others tend to see? Do you prefer a more structured and decided lifestyle or a more flexible and adaptable lifestyle? Take a minute to ask yourself which of the following descriptions seems more natural, effortless, and comfortable for you?

This final area will help provide you an understanding of why a structured diet, set of tasks or the freedom of simply having guidelines is most preferred by you as you work toward Making Healthy a Habit, One Choice at a Time.

Judging (J)

To others, I seem to prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organized, feel more comfortable when decisions are made, and like to bring life under control as much as possible. Do not confuse Judging with judgmental, in its negative sense about people and events. They are not related. The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I like to have things decided.

  • I appear to be task oriented.

  • I like to make lists of things to do.

  • I like to get my work done before playing.

  • I plan work to avoid rushing just before a deadline.

  • Sometimes I focus so much on the goal that I miss new information.

Perceiving (P)

To others, I seem to prefer a flexible and spontaneous way of life, and I like to understand and adapt to the world rather than organize it. Others see me staying open to new experiences and information. Perceiving means "preferring to take in information." It does not mean being "perceptive" in the sense of having quick and accurate perceptions about people and events.. The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I like to stay open to respond to whatever happens.

  • I appear to be loose and casual. I like to keep plans to a minimum.

  • I like to approach work as play or mix work and play.

  • I work in bursts of energy.

  • I am stimulated by an approaching deadline.

  • Sometimes I stay open to new information so long I miss making decisions when they are needed.

*The preceding is a clip from the Meyers & Briggs Foundation.

The final piece in this process is to review all 4 letters that are your preference. Fascinating insight and very valuable in all aspects of life. We’ll touch on this further in the next post.

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Data & Facts or People & Impacts

Ever look at someone and seriously wonder “Why did he/she do that?” We all do from time to time. It can be truly frustrating when others don’t make the same decisions as we do. Do you make your decisions by focusing on the data, facts and the bottom-line? Or do you put more weight on the impact on people and relationships? At times, we all make decisions based on both.

As we continue to work on building your support system in Changing your Choices to develop Healthier Habits, understanding how you personally make decisions as well and those around you will be part of your success.

Take a minute to ask yourself which of the following descriptions seems more natural, effortless, and comfortable for you?

Thinking (T)

When I make a decision, I like to find the basic truth or principle to be applied, regardless of the specific situation involved. I like to analyze pros and cons, and then be consistent and logical in deciding. I try to be impersonal, so I won't let my personal wishes--or other people's wishes--influence me. The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I enjoy technical and scientific fields where logic is important.

  • I notice inconsistencies.

  • I look for logical explanations or solutions to most everything.

  • I make decisions with my head and want to be fair.

  • I believe telling the truth is more important than being tactful.

  • Sometimes I miss or don't value the "people" part of a situation.

  • I can be seen as too task-oriented, uncaring, or indifferent.

Feeling (F)

I believe I can make the best decisions by weighing what people care about and the points-of-view of persons involved in a situation. I am concerned with values and what is the best for the people involved. I like to do whatever will establish or maintain harmony. In my relationships, I appear caring, warm, and tactful. The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I have a people or communications orientation.

  • I am concerned with harmony and nervous when it is missing.

  • I look for what is important to others and express concern for others.

  • I make decisions with my heart and want to be compassionate.

  • I believe being tactful is more important than telling the "cold" truth.

  • Sometimes I miss seeing or communicating the "hard truth" of situations.

  • I am sometimes experienced by others as too idealistic, mushy, or indirect.

*The preceding is a clip from the Meyers & Briggs Foundation.

The last area of focus on increasing our awareness of our preferred behaviors will be how we each tend to approach life.

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How Do You Process Information?

Ever wonder why 2 people can look at the same set of directions and get different results? Some people can look at an image and then assemble… others read each and every detail step by step. Both approaches are effective, although it generally depends on the task at hand.

The next area of focus in understanding how to support you making Changes in your Choices for better health is to determine the best way to deliver the information.

Do you pay more attention to information that comes in through your five senses (Sensing), or do you pay more attention to the patterns and possibilities that you see in the information you receive (Intuition)?

Take a minute to ask yourself which of the following descriptions seems more natural, effortless, and comfortable for you?

Sensing (S)

Paying attention to physical reality, what I see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. I'm concerned with what is actual, present, current, and real. I notice facts and I remember details that are important to me. I like to see the practical use of things and learn best when I see how to use what I'm learning. Experience speaks to me louder than words. The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I remember events as snapshots of what actually happened.

  • I solve problems by working through facts until I understand the problem.

  • I am pragmatic and look to the "bottom line."

  • I start with facts and then form a big picture.

  • I trust experience first and trust words and symbols less.

  • Sometimes I pay so much attention to facts, either present or past, that I miss new possibilities.

Intuition (N)

Paying the most attention to impressions or the meaning and patterns of the information I get. I would rather learn by thinking a problem through than by hands-on experience. I'm interested in new things and what might be possible, so that I think more about the future than the past. I like to work with symbols or abstract theories, even if I don't know how I will use them. I remember events more as an impression of what it was like than as actual facts or details of what happened. The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I remember events by what I read "between the lines" about their meaning.

  • I solve problems by leaping between different ideas and possibilities.

  • I am interested in doing things that are new and different.

  • I like to see the big picture, then to find out the facts.

  • I trust impressions, symbols, and metaphors more than what I actually experienced

  • Sometimes I think so much about new possibilities that I never look at how to make them a reality.

*The preceding is a clip from the Meyers & Briggs Foundation.

We will continue building upon this awareness foundation, by next becoming familiar with how we make our decsions.

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Alone or in a Group?

We each have a preferred set of behaviors. A tendency toward one approach or another. Have you ever considered what energizes you? An awareness of where you get your “Energy” from aides in creating the most supportive environment for your success. Let’s look to understand your preference to be involved in a group, maybe even a group on social media for support or a preference of one on one coaching or working with a buddy.

We want to create an opportunity to develop an environment that would be most supportive to you changing habits.

Some of us fall in the middle -although generally we each have a preference of one over another. A blended approach to Health Coaching is always an option as I strive to offer support that is to “Tailored to You”.

*Take a minute to ask yourself which of the following descriptions seem natural, effortless, and most comfortable for you.

Extraversion (E)

I like getting my energy from active involvement in events and having a lot of different activities. I'm excited when I'm around people and I like to energize other people. I like moving into action and making things happen. I generally feel at home in the world. I often understand a problem better when I can talk out loud about it and hear what others have to say.

The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I am seen as "outgoing" or as a "people person."

  • I feel comfortable in groups and like working in them.

  • I have a wide range of friends and know lots of people.

  • I sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don't allow enough time to think it over.

  • Before I start a project, I sometimes forget to stop and get clear on what I want to do and why.

Introversion (I)

I like getting my energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside my head, in my inner world. I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people I feel comfortable with. I take time to reflect so that I have a clear idea of what I'll be doing when I decide to act. Ideas are almost solid things for me. Sometimes I like the idea of something better than the real thing.

The following statements generally apply to me:

  • I am seen as "reflective" or "reserved."

  • I feel comfortable being alone and like things I can do on my own.

  • I prefer to know just a few people well.

  • I sometimes spend too much time reflecting and don't move into action quickly enough.

  • I sometimes forget to check with the outside world to see if my ideas really fit the experience.

*The preceding is a clip from the Meyers & Briggs Foundation.

We will build upon this awareness, by next looking to become more aware of how we take in information.

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What do your pieces look like?

What makes you who you are? What are your preferred behaviors? Understanding what makes each of us approach life the way we do, can be the key to managing our Health. As I referenced in my last post, we each approach CHANGE differently. This plays a critical role in how we “change” our Choices and Habits in caring for our health.

We each also have a set of “preferred behaviors” that I will be sharing over the next few posts. To be clear, this awareness of ourselves is not RIGHT or WRONG. It is what it is... and will be what we make it. Having this additional insight promotes an awareness of our Choices and can reflect where we have struggled in the past. As a result, our opportunity for sustainable success in the future can be increased.

Making Healthy into a Habit, Once Choice at a Time… begins in the Mind, before it becomes an Action.


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Change Makes You...

How are you responding to the current environment? Many are immersed in a significant state of CHANGE. When I begin a Health Coaching relationship with a client, I provide them with a copy of “Who Moved My Cheese” by Dr Spencer Johnson (takes about an hour to read). Sniff? Scurry? Hem? Haw?

When you enter into any kind of change -either that you elected to take on or change that you have been thrust into. It is important and necessary to understand how you approach change.

I encourage you to read this… now, and I actually encourage a reading of it at least once a year. Check back with me on where you are. There is no wrong way to approach Change… although understanding where you are in the process will guide you through to the other-side.

What is the connection to Health Coaching…? The sustainable success of your desire to Change your current Choices and Habits will be based on your approach to Change.

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Do you need to "Adjust" the volume?

As a Health Coach, Mindfulness Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist I coach my clients to be aware and “Tune In” as our bodies “Talk’ to us our entire lives… through pain, stomach discomfort/digestive issues, skin irritations/rashes, muscle restriction, joint stiffness, chronic sinus issues, sleeplessness etc.

The body is designed through functional movement and chemistry to work synergistically. When there is an imbalance -anywhere is the system… your body will let you know. Sometimes its necessary to take a Pause … Tune in… Listen…

You have the choice and opportunity to Adjust the Volume.

This may require small or large changes in how you care for your personal health and wellness.

You Don't Know - What You Don't Know

…Until YOU Ask... and Listen. What do you need? Physically? Emotionally? Spiritually? ...right now? Your health today and in the future is based on your relationship with yourself. This includes all aspects of what you put into your body, what you expose your body to and what you physically choose to do with your body... bottom-line how You Treat Yourself. Think of the care you provide to a loved one... are you are nurturing and supportive of yourself?


Now is the time to become more aware of this than ever. How do you start...? You begin to take the "PAUSE" ...to a VERY personal level, ask the questions... listen and respond honestly.

Help is here…

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Looking for something to believe in?

As the beauty and mystery of a Rainbow shows through on the other side of a storm... so will you.

Continue to Believe... YOU GOT THIS.


Look in the mirror. Yes, look at yourself. As we continue on this journey.. many of us are feeling lost, hurt, frustrated, sad, overwhelmed and just plain "over it". Yet, here we are. The journey continues, the days continue to slowly pass. All the emotions that we are cycling through are continuing to define who each of us will be on the other side of this. We are all working through in our own away. We are all unique. We are all doing it differently, yet we are together. It will be new. It will be different. It will be what you decide it will be.

#alonetogether #healthy #choices #wellness #natureisamazing #getoutside #livewellwny #bodybewellsolutions #yoga #listen #observe #healthcoach #weareinthistogether #yogisinservice #coping #stayhome #justdoit #yourchoice #respond #believe #rainbows

What is Mindful Movement Really?

As a licensed massage therapist specializing in chronic pain for the past 15 years I felt there was a need to bring a form of yoga to many of my clients. Massage is beneficial for many, especially those dealing with chronic pain.  However, what I’m able to offer as a massage therapist, is short term.

I’ve been suggesting yoga to my clients who are typically between ages of 40 and 75, equally male and female.  Most of them are dealing with some form of chronic pain including frozen shoulder, scoliosis, neuropathy, MS, disc herniations and joint replacements to name a few.  Several are looking for alternatives to their overuse of opioids.

The response from my clients when I’ve suggested trying yoga has been typical… “there’s no way I can do yoga, I’m not flexible, my body doesn’t move like that”.

 I decided to focus on developing a type of “Mindful Movement” program that was inspired by some of the basic poses.  The intent is to assist my clients on improving the quality of their lives by sharing ways to move daily to manage some of their chronic pain when they’re not in a massage session with me.

  • I have been offering Mindful Movement sessions for the 8 months. The participants have been diverse in age, gender and abilities.  Use of the chairs has been an important aspect, especially as we have been focusing on balance and stability. 

  • I have started each session with meditation and mindfulness breath work. 

  • We have then moved into a series of movements to warm up joints and various muscle groups to increase movement and flexibility. 

  • A flow of a standing yoga poses, with chair modifications for those in need is where we pull our movements together. 

  • The session ends with additional breath work and meditation.   The overall focus is on being mindful of posture, movements and intention of activity, emphasizing how beneficial even gentle movement can be daily.

Just Move


-my shoulder pain is 75% better immediately after class and continuing on.  

-thank you for the session this morning, it lifted me physically and my spirits.

-this is exactly the movement I was looking for, not too little, not too intense.

-as you know I have always been resistant to going to yoga classes for many reasons. However, you have made your class such a safe place to practice yoga regardless of ability.

-we want to thank you for all your work in introducing us to Yoga.  Your presentation allowed both of us to move at a pace that was comfortable for each of us.  By providing a goal at the beginning of every session, we felt focused and saw the value and connection in the structure of each class.

The sessions offered through Zoom allow participants to experience the Mindful Movement session in the privacy of their own home with the ability to see and hear the Instructor; with the option of not being seen themselves. REGISTRATION is REQUIRED to receive the access information to the ZOOM session.

Can Health Coaching Help Me?

Yes. Now is the perfect time.

  • What do Health Coaches do?

A Health Coach is a supportive mentor, partner and wellness professional who helps others feel their best through individualized food and lifestyle choices and changes that meet their unique needs and health goals.

  • Why do you need a Health Coach?

Especially today -with a focus on enhancing, preserving and maintaining health, and preventing illness, Health Coaches understand the emotional, physical, behavioral, nutritional and lifestyle factors that are needed to enhance overall health and well-being.

I take a personal approach with every client, tailoring solutions that help them make the right choices to meet their wellness goals and feel their best. While there’s no one-size-fits all approach to being healthy, an essential first step is to understand how your food and beverage choices affect your health. I’ll help you build this foundation to find your personal balance of nutritious food and fun physical activity, so you can make long-term changes and optimize your health.
— Rebecca

Becoming Aware -on being Mindful... simply paying attention!

Today I challenge you to look for and find 3 different shaped clouds, 3 different trees with buds. 3 different plants that are blooming. Listen for the sound of 3 different birds and 3 other sounds from nature. This evening look for 3 different groupings of stars and describe the moon you see in 3 different ways. Go!

This was the focus and suggested intention from today's Mindful Movement session. Interested? Intrigued?

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