Becoming aware of your behavioral preferences as noted over the last 4 postings, creates a framework for your success. Your health is more than the food you put in your body. Your health is a culmination of your relationships, hobbies, career, beliefs and much more.
Your over all Health and Well-being can be a reflection of the BALANCE you have in these varying preferred behaviors and your respect of them in yourself and those around you.
Reminder, there is no right or wrong in this. This is a shift in Mindset… simply an awareness of how the pieces of your puzzle fit together. Each preferred approach Extroversion or Introversion, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling and Perceiving or Judging… has the potential to reveal your personal strengths -although when out of balance can be your greatest casualty.
*Learn more about the “Basics” at Meyers & Briggs Foundation.
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