Life is a delicate balance of holding on and letting go.
During this season of turning inward, seeking warmth and comfort, looking for change, uncertain of what direction to go or what are the best personal choices to make; the secret is in knowing …
What to hold on to, and what to let go…
Let go, once the lesson is learned.
Hold on to what is adding value.
Let go of beliefs that no longer serve you.
Hold on to what energizes you.
Letting go
- Holding on
When to stand your ground, or when to walk in someone else's shoes. When to hold yourself accountable, and when to forgive. When to remember and when to forget. When to accept and when to change. What to hold on to, and what to let go. The list goes on and on.
All of it comes down to choice. The choice is a personal one. A choice we each own. We can be influenced by those around us, although it still comes down to each of our choices.