Self-care - Happiness - Inner peace - your Time
It is easier to simply Exist… than to Live!
Review the worksheet / Urgent vs Important (planning, preparing) time and $ will be spent no matter what… YOUR CHOICE!
Vision Board… dream… focus! Is there something missing in your amount of joy?
Review worksheet / Redefine Your World …YOU HAVE THE CHOICES!
Self-Care - What does self-care mean to you?
When Needed or When Convenient?
Self-care is not bought.
Self-care is taking control of your body & what is going on. LISTENING and RESPONDING.
Self-care is Self-parenting.
Self-care defines boundaries. Not Self-ish… Healthy. HEAL-THY -SELF
·Self-care feeds the Mind, Body and Soul equally
Self-care in the moment is …Work = Work, Play = Play, Rest = Rest
Self-care -
-Inner peace
-your Time