You are correct; being healthy is not free. Being overweight, sedentary with a weakened immune system is not free either.
There is an investment in being healthy or cost for illness - either way it will involve time and money.
Your CHOICE where you spend it.
Ask yourself-
How many of the social media diet supplements, meal replacements or programs have you bought that did not work long-term or work at all?
How much are the co-pays for the doctor visits, lab work, physical therapy sessions and medication’s to manage a chronic illness, fatigue, pain, etc.? Did you include the costs of the all the over the counter products for sinus congestion, runny noses, sleep problems, digestive issues, etc.?
What is the potential future cost of all these reactive approaches?
What is the emotional and the psychological toll on yourself and your love ones when you cannot join them in an activity due to just not feeling well or illness?
How much are you missing out on?