Weight-loss myths and the role of a Health Coach in sorting through the Confusion

TLS (Transitions Lifestyle System®) is a customizable, science-based program designed to fit you and your unique lifestyle. Weight-loss is personal, which is why there are multiple personalized programs to help you reach your goals. While other programs tell you what they think works; with TLS, and an experienced personal Health Coach it’s all about what works for you.

As a Health Coach, I typically rely on the TLSslim.com site for the hard knowledge through educational videos and downloads, and access to weight loss support supplements and vitamins.

My Health Coaching session time with you as a client (or couple) is spent in understanding your current day to day routines, activities and mindset regarding healthy eating and weight loss beliefs. We are then able to dedicate time to customizing and determining what works and does not for you personally.  This increases your ability to be successful long-term and hold yourself accountable after working with me.

Health is a relationship you have with yourself. 

Everyone needs relationship advice and support at some point.  

I have spent the past 15 years working through the highs and lows to personally gaining an understanding of the need for balance for healthy aging, managing weight and reducing chronic pain.

Interested in speaking with me about how I can support you in

Making Healthy a Habit, One Choice at a Time…

and guide you down the Road to Good Habits?

716-316-2511 or rebecca@bodybewellsolutions.com