In the Healthy Habits program (previously offered as TLS), you explore how your current choices affect your health. You begin to understand how your body uses food, so you can feel empowered to select the right foods to support your individual health needs and goals. Ideal for individuals looking to lose at least 10 pounds or more.
This special January 2024 offering provides an opportunity for each participant to customize to best fit their needs, experiencing the value of group discussion, shares and accountability.
6 Consecutive Weekly 60 minutes Sessions, Mondays 6pm-7Pm
Digital & Paper Tracking
Access to support materials through an app or website
Optional Weight & Measurement Check-ins
Various Menu Plans
Weight-loss Supplements and Vitamins / 15% discount through 01/31/24
Potential Adjusted Rate for TLS Alumni of Body Be Well Solutions
Unlimited Access to Training Videos
Self-Care - What are your needs? Are you ready? Can be used as an introduction, if scheduled prior to 01/08/24; $50 credit will be applied
Jump Start Success
How do your current choices affect you?
Session 1: Taking Control, Re-set and Low-glycemic eating
Essential Nutrients
Where are yours coming from?
Session 2: Soluble & Insoluble Fiber, Complex & Simple Carbs, Protein and Healthy Fats
Balance Input w/ Output
How are you measuring up?
Session 3: Understanding Metabolism,
Movement/Exercise and Supplements
Making Smart Choices
How do you know what to buy?
Session 4: Reading and Interpreting Labels, Grocery tour
Making it Sustainable
What are your triggers?
Session 5: Dining out, creating healthy routines and managing stress
Making it a Habit
How will you shift your mindset?
Session 6: Living the Lifestyle