Healthy Habits / Self-Study
Session 1 Jump Start Success (21.75 minutes)
How do your current choices affect you? Taking Control, Reset and Low Glycemic Eating
Prework Watch -
Overview-Transform Your Life with GoTrim (3.22 minutes)
Detox Week- Kickstart Your Health (9.36 minutes)
Week 1- Low Glycemic Impact Eating (9.17 minutes) - Understanding Low Glycemic Eating- Unlock Your Fat Burning Potential
Session 2 Essential Nutrients (15.76 minutes)
Where are yours coming from? Soluble & Insoluble Fiber, Complex & Simple Carbohydrates, Protein and Healthy Fats
Prework Watch -
Week 3- Unlock Your Metabolic Potential (6.29 minutes)
Week 6- Nutrition (9.47 minutes)
Session 3 Making Smart Choices (8.01 minutes)
Reading and Interpreting Labels, Grocery Tour
Prework Watch -
Week 2- Reading Labels (8.01 minutes)
Session 4 Balance Input w/ Output (7.24 minutes)
Understanding Metabolism, Movement/Exercise and Supplements
Prework Watch -
Week 4- Exercise (7 .24 minutes)
Session 5 Managing Obstacles (21.02 minutes)
Dining out, Creating Healthy Routines and Managing Stress
Prework Watch -
Week 5-Planning/Eating Out (7.52 minutes),
Week 7- Creating Healthy Habits (6 .09 minutes),
Week 10- Managing Stress (7.41 minutes)
Session 6 Making Healthy a Habit (36.72 minutes)
How Will You Shift Your Mindset?
Prework Watch -
Week 8- Believe in Yourself (5.43 minutes)
Week 9- Overcoming Obstacles (17.28 minutes)
Week 11- Assessing the Results (6.58)
Week 12- Your New Lifestyle (7.43 minutes)